- 9448963589 | 080-28602670
Global Institute of Management Sciences
| Dr Jothi P |
| Professor |
| M.Sc, MBA, Ph.D |
Area of Expertise:
| Mathematics |
Year of Experience:
| 24.3years |
LinkedIn ID: | |
Email ID:
| |
Publications (Title of the paperjournal name,Edition, Volume, Page no): | “Optimal solution for distribution of segregated wastes of garbagedisposal unit using goal programming”, ‘INTERNATIONAL RESEARCHJOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY ’, VOLUME 3, ISSUE 12DECEMBER 2016 “Optimal solution for planning of disposal of wastes usingMathematical model”, ‘INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL THEORYAND APPLICATIONS’, ISSN: 0974-5572, VOL 10, NO.1, 2017(SCOPUSIndexed)(Q4) “Optimal solution for the distribution of by-products in disposal unit”, ‘INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH GRANTHAALAYAH’, 5(4) RAST, 59-63.HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.5281/ZENODO.803426. “Optimal solution for establishment of disposal units using goal programmingmodel”, ‘INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE RESEARCH IN SCIENCE,ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY’, VOL. 6, SPECIAL ISSUE 12, JULY 2017 “Financial planning of the garbage disposal plant using mathematical model”, ‘JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCES’, VOLUME12, ISSUE 12, 9534-9539, 2017(Q3) “Goal programming model to budgetary allocation in garbage disposal plant”, ‘SPRINGER Nature Singapore Pte Ltd 2019’, ‘LOGISTICS, SUPPLY CHAIN AND FINANCIAL PREDICTIVE ANALYTICS, ASSET ANALYTICS’, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-0872-7_7 https://link. springe r.co m/ch apter/10 .1007/978 -981 – 13 – 0872 -7_7 “Establishing Garbage disposal unit using mathematical technique”, ‘IEEE’, 978-1-7281-0418-8/19/$31.00 2019 IEEE, 151-154 (SCOPUS) https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9063862
“Optimum solution for effective medical waste management”, ‘International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology’ Vol 8, Issue 11, Nov 2021, e-ISSN2395-0056,p-ISSN:2395-0072, https://www.irjet.net/archives/V8/i11/IRJET-V8I11174.pdf ’Optimum solution for effective management of University”, ’Journal of XidianUniversity’, Volume 18,Issue 6, 29th June 2024, ISSN no.1001-2400, https://doi.org/10.5281/Zenodo.12591300 (Q4) Book Published: ‘ Introduction to research methods A student- friendly Approach’ ISSN:978-81-974681-8-6 ‘Optimal bank model for financial management-case study onKarnataka bank’, ‘GRADIVA REVIEW JOURNAL’, Volume 10, Issue 10, 2024,ISSN NO : 0363-8057 pg.no.19-22, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zIOuO3JcculWCj_acScgrDN7vayYIENP/v iew?usp=sharing DOI:10.37897.GRJ.2023.V10I10.24.5140732 (Q4)
Awards/Patents: | Best teacher award in 2017 |
Achievements: | Book published |
Certification Courses: | 2 Data analytics Power BI |
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Faculty Details
Assistant Professor |
MA ,B.Ed in Kannada |
Area of Expertise:
Janapada ,Bhashe, Shasana |
Year of Experience:
11 Years |
LinkedIn ID: | – |
Email ID:
kumar.manu@gimsedu.in |
Publications (Title of the paper journal name, Edition, Volume, Page no): | – |
1.Nature painting 1st prize.
2. Participated in the drama (kakanakote, manteswamy kaathaprasanga, ambedker matthu gandi awardede by banglore university |
1.An essay writing on budakattu mattu neelagiri janaangada jevana paddatthi |
Certification Courses:
– |