Global Institute of Management Sciences

PG - MBA and MCA Admissions are open - 2024.
(Growing and Inspiring Minds for Success)
NAAC Accredited | AICTE Approved | Affiliated to Bangalore University
Recognized Under Section 2(f) of UGC | Recognized by Govt. of Karnataka


MBA : B223
MCA : C449

Global Institute of Management Sciences

(Growing and Inspiring Minds for Success)
RR Nagar Bangalore


MBA : B223
MCA : C449



UGC in the XI Plan made a policy decision that all higher educational institutes should establish an Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) to maintain the momentum of quality consequences. IQAC was conceived as a mechanism to build and ensure a quality culture at the institutional level. The IQAC is meant for planning, guiding, and maintaining Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Enhancement (QE) activities for the institution.

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) at GIMS.

The primary aim of IQAC is:

  1. To develop a system for conscious, consistent, and catalytic action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the institution.
  2. To promote measures for institutional functioning towards quality enhancement through internalization of quality culture and institutionalization of best practices.
1Dr.Geetha M RajaramPrincipal/DirectorChairperson
2S Chinnaraj Managing TrusteeMember-Management Representative
3H.S. Devadiga SecretaryMember Management Representative
4Dr. Veena AngadiProfessor,
Dept. Of Commerce and Management
5Prof. Ranjana KumariAssociate Professor and Head,
Dept. of Computer Applications
Member- coordinator
6Prof. Uttamkumar Y V Associate professor,
Dept. of Commerce and Management
7Mr SubhashChief LibrarianMember
8Mr. PrajwalStudent - MBAMember- Student Welfare Representative
9Ms Sneha H AStudent - MCAMember- Student Welfare Representative
10Mr. Shaik AhmedHead-Information Security,
Renault Nissan Technology and Business Centre, India
Member-Industry Representative
11Dr Chidambara GanapaiahProject Director, APAC PMO at OracleMember-Industry Representative
12Mr Prashanth Chandra MangaloreSenior Software Engineer, AccentureMember Alumni Representative
13Ms Nidhi HR- BIOCONMember Alumni Representative
14Ms U. SoundaryaStudent B. ComMember Student Representative
15Mr. HariharanlyerStudent B.C.AMember Student Representative
1Dr.Geetha M RajaramPrincipal/DirectorChairperson
2S Chinnaraj SecretaryMember-Management Representative
3H.S. Devadiga Managing TrusteeMember Management Representative
4Dr. Jyothi P Professor,
Department of Commerce and Management
IQAC - Coordinator
5Ms. Ranjana KumariProfessor & HOD,
Department of Computer Applications
6Mr. Manu Kumar S VCommittee MemberMember-Co-Ordinator
7Mr. Uttam KumarAssociate Professor &
HOD, Department of Commerce & Management
8Mr. Subhash SChief Librarian Member
9Yash KothariSenior Manager – Product Management
Evangelist for
Member-Industry Representative
10Mallikarjuna S CAgile Coach Member-Industry Representative
11Bindu N AlumniMember- Alumni Representative
12Rakshitha B RAlumniMember- Alumni Representative
13Manasa S J M.B.AIV Semester StudentMember- Student Representative
14Vinuth N M.C.AIV Semester StudentMember- Student Representative